Paschal candle

Paschal candle
St. Edward Catholic Church

The Paschal candle is the first candle to be lit with a flame from this sacred fire, representing the light of Christ coming into the world. This represents the risen Christ, as a symbol of light (life) dispelling darkness (death).

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

In most liturgical churches Palm Sunday is celebrated by the blessing and distribution of palm branches or the branches of other native trees representing the palm branches the crowd scattered in front of Christ as he rode into Jerusalem.

The Sunday was often named after these substitute trees, as in Yew Sunday, or by the general term Branch Sunday.

یکشنبه نخل

یکشنبه نخل یا عید شعانین یا عید سعانین یک جشن و عید مسیحی است که همواره در یکشنبهٔ قبل از عید پاک قرار می‌گیرد. این جشن نماد ورود عیسی به اورشلیم است که در تمام اناجیل اربعه ذکر آن رفته‌است (مرقس ۱۱:۱–۱۱، متی ۲۱:۱–۱۱، لوقا:۱۹:۲۸–۴۴، یوحنا ۱۲:۱۲–۱۹) علت نام‌گذاری نخل بر آن این است که هنگام ورود عیسی به اورشلیم مردم با شاخه‌های نخل به استقبال وی رفتند.

در بسیاری از کلیساهای مسیحیت این جشن با پر کردن مسیر ورود عیسی به اورشلیم با برگ و شاخه درخت نخل انجام می‌شود. یک‌شنبه نخل شروع جشن‌های هفته مقدس است.

عیسی در بازگشت پیروزمندانه به اورشلیم که در یکشنبه پیش‌از عید پاک واقع گردید، بجای اسب که نماد پادشاهان بود، سوار بر خر که نمادی از صلح بود وارد شهر شد.

The Seven Gift of the Holy Spirit

In the Sacrament of Confirmation, Catholics receive more fully these gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are based on a prophecy in the book of Isaiah.







Fear of the Lord


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the most unique and beautiful aspects of Catholicism. Jesus Christ, in His abundant love and mercy, established the Sacrament of Confession, so that we as sinners can obtain forgiveness for our sins and reconcile with God and the Church. The sacrament “washes us clean,” and renews us in Christ.

“Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so, I send you.’ And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’” (John 20:21-23).

اعتراف عملی است که مسیحیان در مقابل پدر روحانی یا شمایل عیسی مسیح و یهودیان در برابر خدا به گناهان مرتکب شده خود اعتراف می‌کنند.

St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica

St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica

St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto, Canada, and one of the oldest churches in Toronto. It is located at 65 Bond Street in Toronto's Garden District. St. Michael's was designed by William Thomas, designer of eight other churches in the city, and was primarily financed by Irish immigrants who resided in the area. The cathedral has a capacity of 1600.

On September 29, 2016, the feast day of Saint Michael the Archangel, the cathedral was elevated to a minor basilica.


(انگلیسی: Michael; به عبری:מיכאל)
نام فرشتهٔ بلند مرتبه ای است که در ادیان ابراهیمی از آن سخن به میان آمده‌است. او بیشتر در نقش رهبر نیروهای آسمانی خداوند ظاهر می‌شود. میکائیل به معنای کسی که شبیه به خدا باشد است. گونه‌های مختلفی از تلفظ نام او در زبان‌های مختلف وجود دارد. از آن جمله می‌توان از میشل، میخاییل، مایکل، میگل و میکال نام برد.
از میکاییل در ادیان مختلف به عنوان فرشتهٔ روزی‌رسان نام برده شده‌است و در فارسی آن را تشتر می‌نامند.

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

A sacrament is outward sign
 2. established by Jesus Christ
 3. to confer inward grace

It is a rite that is performed to convey God's grace to the recipient, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

like all the sacraments, holy anointing was instituted by Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry. The Catechism explains, "This sacred anointing of the sick was instituted by Christ our Lord. It is alluded to indeed by Mark but is recommended to the faithful and promulgated by James the apostle and brother of the Lord" (CCC 1511).


The bishop blesses three oils :
1. Oil of Catechumens (Oleum Sanctorum)
2. Oil of the Infirm (Oleum Infirmorum)
3. Holy Chrism (Sacrum Chrisma)

Anointing sometimes occurs in a church at a Mass of healing. It is offered to the sick or elderly or anyone in need of healing in a community setting. It often takes place at home, nursing homes, and hospitals. For example, a person who is going to have surgery may be anointed. The sacrament may be received more than once, such as when a sick person's condition worsens, or when a new illness occurs.

The Communion Rite

To prepare for the paschal meal, to welcome the Lord, we pray for forgiveness and exchange a sign of peace. Before eating Christ's Body and drinking his Blood, we must be one with him and with all our brothers and sisters in the Church.


Priest: At the Saviour's command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say:

Priest and People:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed by thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.